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Five Borough Multiverse


I moved to LA right before the quarantine. Now, years later (ha), I've started noticing pinks, metals, and brighter bits of Southern California colors emerging in my paintings. Seashells and Santa Monica sunsets, giant tropical flowers, and shiny cars of this wide, brimming with art city, are starting to peek through. This piece, made with many supplies from my beloved queer hardware store in SF, Cliff's, is an expression of my love for both cities.


Baked avocado pit dyed paper, wax, Nuro paint, sandpaper, india ink, and lime paint on wood panel, 2020, 6" x 6"

Callen Thompson is donating her proceed to support United Farm Workers, and Sundance Harvest. Learn more about her connection to these righteous causes here

View the Borough Stud Set and the Multiverse Earring inspired by this piece here and here
View the entire collaboration here.
Learn more about Callen Thompson here.

Five Borough Multiverse
