It is hot and the shop is slow… so naturally, I have been watching quilting videos on YouTube! Yes, I am being serious. I will be attempting my first quilt in the next few months and even called up Grandma to see if she had any of her old quilting supplies I could use. It got me thinking about this American pastime. Historically quilts were economical uses of leftover sewing scraps for bed coverings, had been used to tell stories, and were ways to commemorate events. But what is going on with the quilt now?
With that in mind I went online and found a few amazing artisans keeping this tradition alive and some great inspiration to revive the quilt in your home too. There is even instructions on the the Purl bee to make the wedding quilt styled below! I might add it on to my ever growing list of projects to do.
Share your quilt story, experience, design tips, or favorite artist. I would love to know more as I begin this new journey!
Filed under: diy

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