Meet friend, artist and collaborator Callen Thompson, in her own words...
"I'm an artist and textile designer based in Los Angeles. Originally from the live oak hammocks and pine scrub of rural North Florida, I studied art at Dartmouth, lived in Vermont, studied art at Cranbrook, and lived in Austin for 9 years before moving to California. In Austin I fell in love with the wide expanses of the West Texas and New Mexico deserts and found a crew of amazing womyn artists to work alongside, like Christine.
Before living in Los Angeles, in this sweet sweet wild quarantine, I lived in the Castro in San Francisco for 3 years. While there I was inducted into the beautiful world of the gay hardware store I visited everyday on my way home from work. Among the drag queen heels, wigs, and rainbow flags, was a treasure trove of wood panels and brass, lime paint, and glowing Golden Gate Bridge red sand paints, that I now use to make my work. My work is about creating places from memory and celebrating the beauty of earth-based materials.
Before living in Los Angeles, in this sweet sweet wild quarantine, I lived in the Castro in San Francisco for 3 years. While there I was inducted into the beautiful world of the gay hardware store I visited everyday on my way home from work. Among the drag queen heels, wigs, and rainbow flags, was a treasure trove of wood panels and brass, lime paint, and glowing Golden Gate Bridge red sand paints, that I now use to make my work. My work is about creating places from memory and celebrating the beauty of earth-based materials.
My work has been featured in Apartment Therapy, west elm, and New American Paintings."
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